


Hayashi mono

It is Kyogen that is sung with a unique rhythm so that it floats brightly. Small drum, large drum and drum is often the accompaniment is turned on and the performers themselves also beats with a fan, performs with his feet’s rhythm and hits a musical instrument to liven up the atmosphere. Most of them are used by the Waki- Kyougen’s Shite as lucky fellow, among them, in order to get the mood of the master in “Sue hirokari”, the Tarokaya make hayashi music, is a typical. In addition, there are also the hayashi musical accompaniment that are played and chanted in a good mood when Mr.Yuntaro got on a woman’s hand car in “Duntaro” play and when Shinto ritual float (festival car) is chanted in “Senjimoto” play. It is said that the performing arts performed at medieval festivals were incorporated into Kyogen.