



It is one of Noh’s hayashi musical accompaniment (the part of a song where hayshi musical accompaniment is the main part). Small drum, large drum and drum is played the flute is mixed. A place where incarnations such as Shintai and Tengu leave quietly, and the role of Kyougen as subordinate shrine appears in turn. The first half is called “nakairi chujo” and the second half is called “Kyougen-raijo or Setsumatsusha (subordinate shrine). “Nakairi-raijo” is played with long shout kake-goe to make majestic atmosphere and “Kyougen-raijo” is played as a nice and light rhythm. In addition, there is a raijo which is played a place where the Tang dynasty emperors such as “Tsurukame” and “Queen Mother of the West” appear proudly. This is especially called “Ma no raijo”. In the Kyougen, “Tang Sumo”, there is a scene in which the emperor appears with many of his vassals, and in here the Kyougen is quietly played.